Create emp table in your Schema. Insert 10 values, Then try bellow queries.
How to retrive the second record in the table(sql)?
(select rownum, e.* from emp e WHERE ROWNUM < 3) MINUS (select rownum,
e.* from emp e WHERE ROWNUM < 2) ;
How to find out the records except first record in the table(sql)?
(select rownum, e.* from emp e) MINUS (select rownum,e.* from emp
select * from emp where rowid > (select min(rowid) from emp);
How to find out the records except last record in the table(sql)?
select * from EMP WHERE ROWNUM <> (select COUNT(*) from EMP);
How to find out the last record in the table(sql)?
select * from emp where rownum<(select COUNT(*) from EMP)
select * from emp where rownum<(select COUNT(*)-1 from EMP);
(Performance wise its not consider above query)
select * from emp where rowid < (select max(rowid) from emp);
How to retrive last record in the given table?
select * from emp where rowid=(select max(rowid) from emp);
How to retrive first record in the given table?
select * from emp where rowid = (select min(rowid) from emp);
How to find out the randon records in table or work space?
select distinct decode(rownum, 1, empno,6,empno,7, empno,ename ) from
select * from (select rownum rn, e.* from emp e) where rn in (1, 5, 9);
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